Studio Keys

an InVision Prototype Restoration Tool

By Avi Kumar | Github Repo | Website | Linkedin | Contribute to this project

As of now, Studio Keys only reliably handles conversion of .studio files smaller than ~38 MB. If you upload a file larger than that, there is a possibility that the program will time out and you'll see a "502: Bad Gateway" page. This has to do with some memory usage bugs in the deployment environment which I am resolving. However, I can manually convert larger .studio files and will do so for a small fee. If you would like a larger file converted, please fill out this form.

Please note that the conversion program is not perfect. There may be inaccuracies in your converted SVG mockups. The program is still being worked on, and updates will be released. Please see the "Known Issues and Limitations" section of the Read Me for more information.

1. Upload your Invision Files

You will find these in your file explorer as having a ".studio" extension.

2. Generate your restored mockups!

You will receive a zip file containing an SVG for each artboard in the InVision Studio file.

Please allow up to 15 seconds for Studio Keys to output your mockups, particularly for larger .studio files.

3. Contribute your .studio files, or leave feedback to help me improve the program! Contribute to this project